even more thoughts on project four

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I'm excited now that Sandy gave me the idea to create a new blog and let anyone author to it. I'm going to try this. And rather than just have people draw pictures, I think I'm going to draw a line, and have people make whatever they can out of the line. Or maybe even a simple circle. I just want people to use their imagination. :)

I'll either leave them all in the blog as is, or I will create a slideshow of them.. Either way it's the same idea, one is just a lot less effort on the reader.

Yes. I'm excited now, haha. :)


John Thrasher said...

This sounds like a really good idea. You seem to be adhering to the syllabus very well. You are using other people to create something that looks like fun if nothing else.

I am not sure what Sandy means by "As a guideline, write at least three texts of at least a page each plus your meta-text." It's important to remember the elements of the syllabus, though I am not sure how this element works with your project.

Good job and I am curious to see how it comes out.

Sandy Baldwin said...

Bethany: OK, cool. Yes, doesn't need to be much. Tell them they could scan the image or photoshop it, or whatever. Just must be drawn. And a great idea to start from something - a line or something, and see where they take it. Now you need to implement the plan!