response number 6

undefined undefined

A list of things I have to do today.. Ugh.

  • Interview/Appointment at 12:15
  • Drop off medicine
  • Pick up medicine
  • Register for classes
  • Email 2 people about classes
  • Interview/Appointment at 3:00
  • [Supposed to have class at 11:30 and 2:30..]
  • Class at 6:00
  • Interview/Appointment "somewhere between 7 and 7"
  • Buy a VHS tape
  • Edit my story/package for WVU News
  • Write a couple blog posts
I'm going to be up all night, I know it.


vphillip said...

1.conduct a group media project
feed my cats
2. could have folks send in pictures of the errands they need to complete for the day. make it into some sort of a game, like match picture with list of things to do
3. seems like a good start, and everyone should be able to add to your list.

Anonymous said...

-Do laundry
-Wonder how in the world anyone is going to complete Project 4.

I like your list because it has the potential to almost tell a narrative in a way. Because there are is a certain amount of story that goes along with a list of planned events. Also, eventually the reader will want to know what happened with all the events on the list. This is something that could happen to transform this into a multimedia project. Where each event has a story linked to it, or something, only the "story" that is linked to it is just another to do list, only one that is slightly more specific, and this keeps going on and on and on until the reader has a general idea of what happened-but only through lists.

Terri said...

-quickly remember no one uses vhs anymore
-have a beer(at end of day to unwind,too many interviews/appointments in one day)

I like your list as well. There are so many things you could do with it. Have people add things to make it longer, write a story with it, or I'm sure you might have a better idea too.

S.P. Myers said...

Stare boredly at nothing

You could try to get people to do your things for you and document it, or have people make their own lists and document themselves doing said list.

It seems like busy list...good luck.