project 3 meta text

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This project was pretty humorous for me. At first I was wondering how we were supposed to "make it our own," but I learned it's all about style and showing what you like. Algorithms can be just about any kind of translation of text, whether it literally makes sense or not.

The example with the Bushisms was a lot of fun. I took text that was already created, but then also wrote it myself in the sense that I picked which words were used. Basically, I took part of a sentence, ended it somewhere that I thought would be interesting if it ended differently, and then started with whatever word was necessary (verb, noun, etc.) to complete the previous part. It's like collages of videos put together, or when people "put words in others' mouths" by jumbling them together. It came out pretty funny, I think. Then, by translating it between languages, it made even less sense, and felt more awkward. Finally, I had to put it into "moron mode." It felt right/necessary. :) I think it's great. It really just doesn't make sense, and is hard to read, but you can figure it out if you concentrate hard on it.

With my broadcast story, I simply sliced it into 3 columns and then combined them via Sice-n-Dice. What I think is the most interesting about this is the fact that there are both caps lock words/parts of words, and regularly typed. (The stories have to be written in caps, but quotes are always regular.) These are cool because they don't reallllly make sense, but they read a little. Just when you get going into a rhythm of reading it, it throws you for a loop and has a made-up word or something that makes no sense at all. You can still tell what the overall theme/idea of the story is, but it's hard to read it through.

Finally, I did the Lil Wayne song. This was my first idea, actually, because I thought it would be funny to take a raunchy song and give it a different feel. In the end, I got something different that what I hoped/expected out of it, but I'm still very happy with it. When I put the song into the Redneck Dialectizer, I expected to get something that sounded somewhat like a bad country song. I expected it to give off the complete opposite overall vibe of the rap version. Instead, it's pretty much the same. It's great! Rap and country/redneck are looked at as completely different types of music, but this shows that the language is virtually the same. It's kind of scary, really! But definitely amusing. I wanted to try and read it/vocalize it for this project, but I'm not going to lie, it felt very awkward for me to say these things and post it for class. :)

This was fun and interesting! :)