easy breezy beautiful

This is my first image I have made for this class. I got the slogan from the slogan site provided for us..
I love my Redskins :)


vphillip said...

My first project was basically the same. I used a picture and a slogan. I have an idea for the 1st project, but I know nothing about using software for animation, so...Hopefully that will be understood at grading time. The cd with the spooky book was pretty good, but the text itself isn't something I can read through easily. I need more time to decipher some of that. Music I can handle re-mixed, but visually I like the links from yesterday versus the links for today.

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed the slogan here, even if I'm not a very big pro football fan. I also really like your choice of using this particular Redskins picture, since the figure appears to be apparently wreathed in flame, as if he is some demon tormenting the world, or perhaps a mighty warrior emerging from hell (or Heinz Field) victorious. I also thought it was amusing that you used a make up slogan to refer to "super-manly" football players.
